Our Solutions

Compliance is key to all our Data Services. Our data services meet the highest compliance and data standards including ICO, GDPR & the DMA, and continue to review and pre-empt legislation and best practice changes in the industry, to ensure we can successfully deliver against our client’s goals and expected outcomes.

Digital Identity and Age and ID Verification Solutions

DAIDA provides a suite of global identity and age verification solutions to both commercial and government sectors.

Allowing our clients to quickly and conveniently authenticate individuals online, verifying the age and identity of website or mobile application visitors against a comprehensive database of government issued ID’s for citizens of 135 countries and 3.4 billion around the globe.

Our Integrity search format algorithms are compliant with internationally accepted age verification laws and guidelines, and the information is returned in real time.


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Profiling and Target Marketing Campaign Planning Solutions

We help businesses who are looking to have a more cost effective and more efficient, joined-up approach to their sales and marketing through an extensive and award-winning programme of planning and profiling activities.

We immerse our team into matching the business goals with their target audiences, using a series of solutions across all verticals and sectors.

We focus on identifying all the attributes that define a profiled target and then identify the best multi-channel marketing mechanisms to use to provide the best campaign results possible. We are in a unique position to help our clients and use our expertise in data modelling and insight analysis and map the campaign results against our extensive databases to help to continually improve our clients’ sales and marketing campaigns.


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Marketing Campaign Analysis Solutions

Sales and Marketing campaigns are of greater importance for businesses to drive conversions, revenues, and incremental sales, and maximize MROI. However, gaining the desired output from marketing campaigns has traditionally been a challenge. Additionally, companies are constantly challenged by dynamic consumer behaviours and the ongoing need to position their communications to the right audiences.

We help our clients by focusing on effective and efficient campaign planning, optimisation, and insights, by leveraging analytics at all the strategic points throughout the campaign value chain. We leverage advanced machine learning algorithms and prediction modelling techniques to build targeted promotional campaigns that provide intelligent interactions with customers in real-time, analyse responses, and make precise recommendations across all sales and marketing channels.


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Marketing Campaign Insight Solutions

Our campaign Insights solutions deliver key insights on consumer behaviour, brand perception, and innovation opportunities that enable companies to drive revenue growth, create optimal product strategies and implement an agile consumer-centered marketing mix.

In today’s world of data and analytics, businesses have the opportunity for unprecedented insight into their customers, their decisions, and the way they interact across many channels.

DAIDA provides a unique mapping solution using our many consumer and business databases to uncovers high-potential opportunities for revenue growth using machine learning that uses behaviours, benefits, and consumers.

We provide a predictive, consumer led foundation for business growth including messaging, marketing, campaign, and creative that enable clients to implement the most effective Sales and Marketing campaigns. Our insight solutions help businesses to identify new sources of growth and prioritise their campaigns to focus on these key opportunities.


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